Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia
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from 1/1/2007, to 1/1/2008
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from 1/1/2007, to 1/1/2008
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10/20/2007 - Idea - Bid

Istrian treasury

The Istrian Treasury project presents tourist destinations in the hinterland of the municipality of Koper by individual specific cultures. The resultsMore information...
3/14/2007 - Idea - Bid

Erotic tourism

The entry is linked to a comprehensive idea of using design in erotic tourism, casino tourism and other spheres presented in a business plan with all prototypesMore information...
2/14/2007 - Idea - Bid


A Rehido centre as an extra service for tourists is something brand new in the marketplace. It involves an energy-based approach to strengthening theMore information...
5/13/2007 - Idea - Bid

Multiple insulation

The subject of the invention is multipurpose insulation (damp, cold, heat, sound, vibrations and/or radiation). It is an effective supplement to theMore information...
7/15/2007 - Idea - Bid

Istrian TA

Tourist agency specialising in the area of Slovene Istria. More detailed description in the documentation submitted. I am seeking Co-financers. More information...
8/1/2007 - Idea - Bid

Stamps of Slovenia

This idea is offered free of charge: A journey through Slovenia following motifs from Slovenian postage stamps. Motifs from postage stamps are the basisMore information...
2/1/2007 - Idea - Bid

Product development

The idea represents a completely new approach to the development of tourism products. The concept enables maximum adaptation of the tourism productMore information...
  showing 1-7 of 80 deposits   Next >>
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