Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia
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Deposits::Stamps of Slovenia

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Stamps of Slovenia

Author r07049
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
This idea is offered free of charge: A journey through Slovenia following motifs from Slovenian postage stamps. Motifs from postage stamps are the basis of the programme. The written programme includes a specific stamp describing places, events, peoples, sights, food, ethnological items, anniversaries. The stamps are the basis for the stories that lead us on an excursion lasting several days. The written programme also includes the stamps and their description.

The stamp commemorating Slovenian Independence is the basis for a description of history and a cue to visit all of Plečnik's works. The stamp commemorating 900 years of boat races on the river Ljubljanica is the cue to visit the river and take a boat trip. A stamp showing a reproduction of Rihard Jakopič's painting Among the Birches is the cue for a visit to the National Gallery.
The stamp showing a traditional Škofjeloški kruhek (a decorative pastry made from rye flour and honey shaped in a carved wooden mould) is an excuse to visit Škofja Loka and see a gingerbread maker at work, etc.
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