Do you have ideas on how to improve Slovenian tourism? Do you have a concrete solution to a concrete tourism problem? Do you know exactly what you want and you are looking for partners or investors? Do you want to financially support good ideas in tourism?
1.) We invite everyone who has
i-deas to offer ("i-deas" because without good ideas tourism is missing the dot on the i). Your "i-dea deposits" in your BTPS bank account help make tourism in Slovenia better, more successful, more original... We welcome tourism potentials at all levels: from the whole country, to an individual destination, to the smallest link in the tourism chain. You are welcome if:
* you are offering your i-deas free of charge or are only asking a symbolic amount for them
* you are asking a commercial price for an i-dea or a share in profits
2.) We invite everyone who has
€-nergy to offer (= financial resources but also material resources and labour). You can make "€-nergy deposits" in your BTPS bank account in order to support originality, excellence and the development of tourism in Slovenia. You are welcome if:
* you are offering donations or €-nergy loans (also interest-free) for the realisation of i-deas.
* you wish to share in the profit from an i-dea whose realisation will be (co-)financed with funds from your €-nergy deposit.
3.) Are you offering or looking for
knowledge (survey and poll results, personal experience...)? You can submit to your BTPS account requests or bids for "knowledge deposits," which will make Slovenian tourism even smarter, more original and resourceful...
4.) Are you offering or looking for
news (on the innovativeness and development of Slovenian tourism)? Apart from reading the news posted by the BTPS, you can also add your own news to your BTPS account, to inform other promising Slovenian innovators about the new, fresh and exciting developments in the sphere of tourism and innovation at home and around the globe.