Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia
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Author r07095
Thursday, May 29, 2008
(Link to cover: ep07122401_bi_ti_sodeloval). Agoraphonia is a project of musical animation aimed at coming together in a square, where various musical genres of the world are presented and meet. The project involves the collaboration of 1 or more brass bands, 1 or more choirs, other musical groups (percussionists, folk musicians), 1 flautist, 1 violinist, 1 saxophonist, 4 rock guitarists, 3 theatre performers, a clown on stilts, jugglers, puppeteers, street performers, hawkers, mimes, majorettes and so forth – no one is absolutely essential, but the more the merrier.
Interaction with members of the public that join with the performers. In addition to these the project envisages the participation of a further 40 to 60 musicians maximum (students, teachers, amateurs and professionals), who would participate in 3 daily workshops, where together with the leaders they would determine the musicality of the square, everything in the square that can be turned into an instrument or percussion, and they would also participate in directing and set-up. A group of children drawing to live music could also participate. The event could be staged in Piran and then repeated in Milje (Muggia, Italy).
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